Monthly Archives: August 2012

Weight loss status (hint: it’s good) & being social

I hit 10 lb weight loss today! Current weight: 222.2 lbs.

Had a great day yesterday. Met up with a girlfriend for dinner, movie, and an evening walk. Dinner? Very low calories: shrimp, green beans, and cucumber/tomato salad – it’s great to have someone that eats the same types of food as me (ie, not pizza or a huge meal out).

Movie was awesome – the remake of Total Recall. Yum. And I can’t believe it, but we had NO SNACKS! I can’t conceive of going to the movies without a big tub of popcorn. I’m impressed. You should be too. After, we did a route around greenlake, which is a 2.75 mile loop around a lake. It was 9:30, it was dark, but it was balmy and awesome. We got to catch up and exercise for 45 minutes. Late night, I’m a little tired but good. I’ve only been doing brisk walks on flat this week, and I’m ok with that. I still have a ginormous leg bruise (the size of a salad plate on my leg) and can’t handle hard bouncing from my biking accident. I’m just consistently doing an hour or so brisk walk the last few days.

Ate too few calories – 1050, so will make sure I start adding back in nuts and yogurt again for my snacks. I need more protein consistently in my meals/snacks. Can’t believe I’m saying this, but I’ve been eating a lot less than 1500 calories consistently the last few days, and I need to be careful to eat enough. WTF?

Anyway, a nice casaual Friday at work, followed by food shopping. Hiking tomorrow, and biking Sunday. Go put on your weekend warrior!

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Posted by on August 10, 2012 in Weight loss



Productive Day

  1. Bike fixed and back home; $18 for repair, ready to ride, and sportin’ fancy blue handlebar tape
  2. Made Saturday hiking plans with my BFF – group hike with new people, super early
  3. Made biking plans for Sunday – not sure yet where or when, but happening
  4. Got a new NW Forest Pass at REI (old one just expired).
  5. While in the REI parking lot, got free medical advice from the Medic One unit – they looked at my road rash and said it looked good, edges are clean, and the way I have it (open to the air and covered in neosporin so that it looks diseased and infected) is actually good. Yeah! I was worried. Thank you guys!!!
  6. The new tea I got, Red Zinger, is pretty good. I’ve already had 3 cups.
  7. The batch of soup I made is yummy. Filling but not fully satiating (it would need more substance/protein for that I think), but I’m still very physically full. I’m happy with how it turned out. Thinking of cauliflower…maybe beets in the next batch.

The day is good so far.

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Posted by on August 8, 2012 in Weekend warrior



Baseline Daily Calorie Burn

It’s official. I burn 2150 calories per day when I’m completely sedentary.

It’s good to know the baseline. So 1500 calories in per day will definitely provide weight loss, even without exercise. Booyah.

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Posted by on August 8, 2012 in Calorie burn


Being prepared

I was on a roll tonight. Not only did I cook and clean dinner, but I made a pot of soup for lunch for the rest of the week. I even packed it all up for tomorrow:

Ball jars are the best – they have cup measurements on the side to know how much you’re eating. In this case:

Morning snack/lunch/afternoon snack tomorrow
2 cups of homemade soup (onion, carrot, celery, green beans, garbanzo beans, and 1 chicken thigh with the fat and skin removed);
1 apple sliced with lemon juice
2 cups of cantaloupe and a small handful of blueberries for color and tart.
Kashi bar

This will make for a relaxed morning of internet and enjoying my pot of jasmine tea. Off to bed…

Yes, that is a waist-high pile of Talking Rain. What can I say, I drink it a lot and it was on sale for $.89 each. I bought 4 cases.

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Posted by on August 7, 2012 in brown baggin' it


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Polar Heart Monitor & setting a baseline

I got a polar heart rate monitor, the FT7, a week ago. I wanted to get an accurate idea of what kinds of calories I burn when I do my weekend warrior routine. Sorry runtastic app, I’m not sure I trust you, plus I don’t want to completely drain my cellphone battery running your little app for 6 hours on a hike. So I got it and I’ve been having fun figuring out how much I burn.

4.5 hour cycle ride (41 miles) = 2150
1 hour brisk walk = 250 calories (it was supposed to be like 430 according to online calculators for my speed/weight/height; I wonder if my bruise was keeping me slow and I didn’t realize it, or if I’m fit enough that a completely flat walk on pavement doesn’t burn very much?)

Today, I’m running an experiment. You know all those online calculators you can use to determine the number of calories you need to eat to maintain your weight? Well, I’m trying it out myself. Today I put on the monitor at 7:30 am, right after a shower. I’ll wear it all day, all night. Tomorrow I’ll check and see how many calories I burned in a day. Just for experiment’s sake, I may or may not go for a walk – I do want to get a baseline, “regular” non-active day as a guide.

I have found out that so far, my resting heartrate (sitting in the car) is between 60-62. My getting up and moving around lightly, getting lunch together at home is about 85. As of right now, 2.25 hours in, I’ve burned 220 calories. Can’t wait to see how I do in a day, plus how much I burn sleeping!

dietmaven out.

Update: 7:30 am – 10:30 am: 1464 calories
Still left to gather: 10:30 – 7:30 am (including my 8 hours of sleeping)
Guestimated total: I’m thinking it will be around 2100-2200 total for the day


Posted by on August 7, 2012 in Calorie burn



Bike update, dietmaven update

Well, seems my tumble affected me mostly and my bike hardly at all. Took it into the bike shop and they adjusted the brakes, the wheels and all I have to do is put new tape on the handlebars (about $20 including service). There’s a cosmetic issue with the top of the brakes (a silver metal patch is missing, and it may be an issue in rain, or not), but it’s not worth getting new brake handles over. They’ll just be dented…like me.

My road rash is killing me. I keep having to take pain killers. I’ve taken aleve twice a day since it happened.

But I can’t wait to get back on the bike, but have to wait ’til Weds to pick it up. My butt/seatbones are not sore at all, which confuses me. Today I will go for a walk or something. No more sedentary; I’ve spent enough time healing.

Update: 10-11 pm – 1 hour brisk walk (not sedentary – check)

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Posted by on August 6, 2012 in Exercise


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Weight Loss Methodology

About a month ago I joined As a single person who tends to be a bit of a hermit, I’ve been searching for ways to go out and meet people that don’t mean trolling bars, or blind dates (and I’ll be honest, I’m not really in dating mode right now). The whole showing up at a park and striking up a conversation with someone else rollerblading or walking just won’t work. While I have a strong self image (I do quite like what I look like naked, mostly), I know I’m overweight, so I’m not eye candy enough to get someone’s attention (it’s all about the first impression). So back to meetup. I joined a Seattle dinner group and it’s been great! I went to 1, tried a new restaurant, and met some cool people. I just went to another one, Thursday night.

I could kick myself for going out of my way to eating out at a restaurant while on a restricted eating plan, and one that served dish after dish after dish. But I signed up and decided to go, even though I really should have cancelled. I’m doing everything in moderation – even splurging eating out. I decided to forego any acolohol and just enjoy the food. It was Thai/Laotian food. Yum! I tried a bunch of new things, and while I ate a ton, I don’t feel bad about it.

So why am I bringing this up? I was conversing with this wonderful older middle-aged woman who confided that she’d just lost 80 lbs!!!!! So we were talking about weight loss and someone mentioned that they had a client that lost a ton by realizing why he ate. He ate because he didn’t want to be hungry. Exactly!!!! I think this is the first time an excuse for being fat has hit me so hard. I’m not overweight because of sexual abuse. I’m not fat because I have a bad self-image and bad self-esteem. I’m not fat because of a traumatic experience. I’m fat because I don’t like to be hungry! So how did this guy go about losing his own weight? He decided that he would eat half. Half of everything. Imagine that. Everything you were used to eating, when you were eating unhealthfully? Just cut each portion in half and eat no more.

I’m obsessed with this concept. I recently calculated that I had been eating on average 3300 calories a day BD (before diet). If I just cut that in half, I would be eating 1650, which is a tad over what I need to be eating to lose. I can easily see that BD meal – I’d make up a pot of polenta and a huge steak. I’d eat the steak and keep eating, past full, because I liked to really feel like I was *full* and could really appreciate what a wonderful meal I had prepared. I’d have a ton of polenta and a big serving of some kind of vegetable. The meat was usually around ..65-.8 lbs and I’d do my best to finish it. The polenta was a massive amount too (let’s just call it polenty). I’d go to bed overfull and wake up the next morning still feeling full. Obviously that was too much food but I was in a cycle that I couldn’t get out of. I was also afraid of feeling hungry.

I don’t like the feeling of hunger, and it’s been really hard to accept that into my life these last 2 weeks. If I think about eating so little for the rest of my life (which seems to be what I’ll need to do to maintain a weight loss when I finally arrive at that point), it can be downright depressing. I remember all those times in the past months that I would think about eating healthy but immediately my thoughts would turn to yummy food. What would I have for dinner? I’d much rather have a nice {x,y, and z} on my plate and have that wonderfully rosey feeling of contented fullness. Deciding to eat something smaller and less calories, and with correct portion sizes was horrifying! All I could think about was how unsatisfying it would be. And after, there would be the little after dinner dessert – a bunch of dark chocolate or a bowl of popcorn (with a lot of butter). Plus a nightcap of applejack brandy or other hard liquor. Eat carrot sticks and 4 oz. of chicken breast? Why would I want to subject myself to that?!

I’ve always had a difficult time dealing with hunger. I get hungry? I eat. It’s that simple. I’m a instant gratification kind of gal. If I eat, I will EAT. Right now. I will prepare a ton of food due to the amazingly large feeling of hunger – way more than I really needed to eat to feel full, but you know how it goes – the eyes are always bigger than the stomach. So once the food was made, can’t leave an empty plate, right? And those feelings of hunger. They have always been much much stronger than thinking about getting to a goal weight, or losing a pound, or being able to fit into smaller clothes, or looking better, or being more attractive to men and being able to date successfully (ie, becoming yummy eye candy). Hunger rules me. It is much stronger than any other desire I have ever had. It still is.

So how did I get to the point that I triumph over hunger (well, for 2 weeks so far)? Because let me tell you, I am hungry. All the damn time. Seriously truly hungry, where it’s all I can think about, most of the time. I’m not sure! But I will say this. Willpower is an amazing thing. It’s when your brain makes a decision – it disrupts the hunger subroutine. Before I started 2 weeks ago with eating 1500 calories, I hadn’t made that decision. I flirted with it, but was never serious enough to move in together, let alone propose and get married, ya know? Let’s just say that I’m dating hunger. I think I’m ready to move on to a committed relationship, too.

There’s been one other experience in my life where I decided to do the same thing – when I became vegetarian and then vegan. I was vegan for 8 years, vegetarian for 10. I am no longer either, but during that time period, I had similar mental fortitude. I drew the line at eating certain types of food. When I stopped being vegetarian, for a while I drew a line at red meat, but eventually relaxed that. I’m ok with all of the decisions I’ve made, but it proves that the mind is powerful. If I could decide mentally to not eat something, despite my palate, my tastebuds, my stomach, and my salivary glands wanting me to consume wonderful yummy animal products, then I can be stronger than hunger (that’s the hope). That was a different type of hunger, but the principal is the same.

I don’t know when, or if, I’ll ever get less hungry. I know I have what  you would call a “healthy appetite,” but I don’t think I can exist being this hungry all the time. For the rest of my life. Hopefully, I’ll get more used to it. How long does it take the stomach to shrink, anyway?

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Posted by on August 6, 2012 in Food issues, Starting over




Note to self: Next time you have an accident, don’t make any exercise plans for a few days. You won’t be doing them.

The Day After: felt tender and delicate and hurt to move a bit.

The Second Day After: My body is letting me know that it had an up close and personal visit with the road (very quickly) . I don’t remember the ab workout, but it was a doozie. I also have a really awesome bruise that no one will be able to appreciate since it’s covered in clothes. I hope the road rash stops hurting today.

Today truly *is* a day of rest.

dietmaven out.

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Posted by on August 5, 2012 in Excuses


Kill it with exercise

I’m a huge fan of extreme exercise days. Meaning prolonged and continued exercise for several to many hours. My favorite activities to do currently are hiking and biking. Both require a good level of fitness to do, and of course, a long period of time in which to complete the activity. As I am currently employed and work about 45 hours a week, that means weekends.

In Spring I try to “get back into” hiking, going to trails that aren’t snowed in (ie, lowland elevations). I go up a mountain, or along a creek, always uphill. I try to do hikes that are 5-8 miles and 1000’+ elevation gain to start. After my “break in” period, meaning I don’t die of exhaustion the next day and can drive home without being horribly unwell, I’m ready for the next phase. This usually coincides with some melting in the snowpack. I start having more variety of hikes available, but they are usually more strenuous – longer, steeper, further away. I start doing those. My limit based on many years ago, is about 14-15 miles, but I haven’t gotten back to that level for a long while (I bet being 225 lbs doesn’t help!). I don’t really like anything that’s much more than 3000′ elevation gain in a hike, either, but i do them if the payout (ie the destination) is worth it.

So I’ve returned to the weightloss fold almost 2 weeks ago. Luckily, prior to that, while my eating was significant and not good, I was still playing weekend warrior. I’ve put in a bunch of hikes and can already tell they are having an impact. I did pretty good on my hike last week. And today I took the day off work and decided to get a long day of biking in. Prior to today, I did a big ride 2 weeks ago, 30 miles in 3.5 hours. Unfortunately, I have done a few rides of that length, and have gotten serious sores on my butt for my effort. The open sores line up perfectly with the stitching on the padded part of my biking shorts. In a word, the shorts made me miserable. So I went to the bike store and they told me to buy the most expensive biking shorts I could afford. Well I did. I just got a $110 pair and boy oh boy the difference!

Today I did a 41 mile ride, and I can totally feel the difference the hiking has made. After getting back I totally know I could have gone much further. I have a goal to circumnavigate Lake Washington – that’s about 60 miles – by fall. I think I’m well on my way and close to achieving that. No butt soreness. No welts and chafing. Unfortunately, I do have a bad souvenier of my ride today, but it’s not fitness related:

So go kill it and get over more than 2000 calories burned in a day by doing something prolonged for a half day or longer. Go hiking for 6 hours, go biking for more than 4, or maybe do something else you enjoy – running, kayaking, whatever floats your boat. Just kill the calories, not you. Remember to wear a helmet or appropriate safety equipment – trust me, they will one day totally pay off!

Oh, and with 2 days left this weekend, if the big leg bruise that came as a set with my bike spill today isn’t too bad, I will try and do some more hiking either tomorrow or Sunday. What could be better than a day of serious calorie burning? Two days! Happy weekend all!


Posted by on August 3, 2012 in Biking, Exercise, Injury

